---John 10:10---

"...I came so that they may have life, and have it more abundantly"

---John 10:10--- "...I came so that they may have life, and have it more abundantly"

About Us

-Step 1: FREE CONSULTATION!! We sit down, set goals, and determine the best path to take on your fitness journey!

Step 2: You’ll get access to your dashboard, where you can see your workouts, set online zoom sessions (during workouts or after workouts), make payments, and have a messaging system that makes it easy to contact me! You can also keep track of your own workout milestones, etc.!

Step 3: That’s it! Just because you aren’t able to meet in person doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have access to personalized workouts!

Whether you are a star athlete or just being introduced to fitness, online personal training allows you to make the most of your fitness journey on your own schedule!

Online Personal Training:

Cancer Exercise Specialization:

Here are 2 reasons why cancer patients should have a personal training specialist:

1. Knowledge of Cancer Treatments: A CES has knowledge on how different cancers and treatments can impact the body and one’s daily life Because of this knowledge, a certified CES can create beneficial workout plans that are personalized towards each patient whether they are currently undergoing treatment, recovering from surgeries, or even in remission.

2. Safety: They also are aware of more conscience of signs of complications and know when they should stop a workout and refer a client to see a doctor before continuing training.